The Method & Mission
“Love & Serve Yourself, Then Love & Serve Others - It’s Why We Are Here.”
Marc Allen, CEO New World Library
Self-Love is not a new or new-age thing, but, philosophically at least, it could have originated from Aristotle’s ‘Nicomachean Ethics’ papers circa 340 BCE: “For a man is his own best friend. Therefore he ought to love himself most… since he will then both benefit himself by acting nobly and aid his fellows.” And perhaps, Socrates famous commandment; “Know Thyself.” intrinsically points to the conscious attainment or embodiment (knowledge) of one’s most innate, divine, innocent or absolute nature, realised as Love.
Regardless the origin of self-love, Tara Love Perry (full story below) discovered the ‘Seven Steps to Transformational Self Love’ ‘accidentally’, as a result of two things.
Firstly, her intention to save her two young sons from the affliction of subconscious and habitual transference of ancestral wounding and conditioning from which she had suffered. Secondly, Tara’s pronounced, natural, extrasensory gifts which afford her the ability to ‘read’ the physical and metaphysical matter of each person’s internal state, or Soul, beyond the limitation of time and space.
It was through psychically and empathically ‘reading souls’ that Tara uncovered the exact same root cause of every ailment, issue, illness or limitation, in every single one of her hundreds of clients. That primal factor was an apparent lack or loss of love; by the right person, at the right time, in the right way, with the right words, and empathy.
The quality of love lacking was unconditional; Absolute, with the presence, attention, and every other vital element that constitutes the ideal, divine, or agape sort of love - usually from a specific human being.
Which posed the ultimate dilemma - How to fulfil the gap? The ability and knowledge of how to unconditionally love oneself with these principle elements was the solution. And over time, the ‘Seven Steps’, a precise and perfect formula, were sculpted and birthed into being.
The Method
The basis of Transformational Self-Love Therapy is the original, self-help method known as “I Love You, Me” - The 7 Steps to Transformational Self-Love’, also created by Tara Love Perry from 2004-2007, and self-published in a book of the same name in 2017.
TSLT works with the same 7 steps, which are fundamentally:
Self-Connection, via the ‘Breathe & Receive’ technique.
Transformational Decisions & The Power of Choice.
Self-acknowledgement & validation of suffering.
The art of self-forgiveness in the 7 directions.
Loving everything, from the inner-child, or innate self.
The magnitude of gratitude & the art of appreciation.
Coming home to self-embodiment & self-actualisation.
TSLT is the process of facilitation by with the practitioner expertly guides a person through the steps with a combination of breath-work, conversation, and self-connection, from any disharmonious, unnatural or disrupted state, into relief, release then harmony, and beyond.
The Mission
With disconnection and incognisance of self at global crisis point, the words of Albert Einstein ring loud and true, “Love is our one and only answer.”
Making peace with and truly loving ourselves, both practically and spiritually, couldn’t be more urgent if we are to save ourselves from certain self-destruction and evolve into better human beings.
This inner-technology of self-realisation and embodiment through unconditional love is the necessary evolutionary pre-cursor to all outer technological advancement, if we are to refrain from repeating history.
It has become Tara’s life mission to connect and work with conscious, sentient individuals who understand the need for change at a deeper level. She invites those with the curiosity and courage to help lead the way by ‘becoming the love’ they are looking for, then help others to do the same.
Tara intends to grow the global family of TSLT facilitators to 10,000 by 2030, and together make a greater impact with her leading edge techniques that have proven to help “miraculously” heal people from all manner of complaints, from cell to soul.
Tara’s Story
Tara Love Perry is a Master Soul Reader, which means she literally ‘reads’ souls.
Tara is a naturally gifted intuitive, soul reader, empath and and energy worker with a high level spectrum of extra-sensory abilities that allow her to see, hear, feel, communicate & empathise with ranges of energy from your cells and DNA, to your Soul and eternal Spirit. She can tell you why you chose to be born and what your destiny is, and what's blocking you from achieving your fullest potential.
Tara died before she was born…
Raised within a spiritual community since birth, influenced and taught from early childhood by an enlightened Guru of self-knowledge, and later growing up in her parents’ alternative natural healing centre, Tara has had an extraordinary life devoted to love, healing and global awakening. Her life was destined for something unusual even before she was born when she died (officially declared by 2 hospitals) in her mother’s womb for almost 2 months due to a motor accident. After which she ‘re-awakened’ and was born alive and healthy having spent an 11 month term in utero.
Pioneer in her field.
Tara's been called the UK's leading Self-Love teacher and is widely considered a pioneer in her field, leading the way for a global shift in consciousness. She's the creator of the practical, proven "I Love You, Me" Method for self love, self-realisation, transformational healing, ancestral trauma liberation & manifestation. Also the founder of 'Transformation Self-Love Therapy', a professional modality with facilitators in 14 countries so far.
As a highly sensitive child she saw and felt things that people outwardly contradicted.
Tara grew up feeling the world to be terribly wrong and that almost everyone was lying to her. With so much denial, withholding, masking and suppression of truth, Tara found earthly life immensely difficult. As a result she wanted to escape the world and go back to spirit, which gave way to secret suicidal ideations and self-harming in her early teens.
Knowing that death was not a release from karma, but merely a delay tactic for the soul’s learning and conscious evolution, but feeling trapped between living and wanting to die, illness ensued. From the age of 14 Tara battled an immune related illness from which she eventually healed herself at age 25. This is where her journey to self-love and helping to heal others began.
International Influencer and Speaker
From 2002, her talks, training, 1:1 sessions and workshops have taken her to 14 countries over 5 continents, with many thousands of souls, including spiritual, political and corporate leaders, successful coaches, authors, CEO's and artists having benefited from her unique methods and delivery.
In 2008 Tara opened the Live In Light Academy (LILA), a school for spiritual and psychic development, self-healing and empowerment, conscious relationships, angelic channeling, conscious conception and birth. Professional trainings include Soul Reading, Channeling & Energy Healing, plus the 3 levels of TSLT: 1:1 facilitation, group facilitation, and mentoring.
Global Mission for the Self-Love Awakening.
Tara has been a guest speaker on international stages along with heads of state, UN and government officials, worked with some of our greatest modern sages and spiritual teachers, and influenced numerous media stars and celebrities in self-love.
She has featured in several alternative television series, multiple films, radio shows, national newspapers and magazines in the UK, USA and UAE, and on local television for her work.
She's the author of the acclaimed book '"I Love You, Me" - 7 Steps to Transformational Self Love’ & CEO of ILYM Global.
“Love Cures People, Both The Ones Who Give It And The Ones Who Receive It.” ~ Karl Menninger
Giving Children the Food of Love.
Tara is a proud ambassador for ALALA, a small charity for orphans of war and natural disaster for which she regularly donates profits from her books and courses.
Tara is also the first leader of the 'Autonomous Party' since 2020. This is a new political party set to radically shift the way society communicates and participates in national and international policy making, of which autonomy and personal empowerment is a central focus. It is completely aligned with Tara’s message of self love, sovereignty and the ascension of human consciousness.
Donate to ALALA Charity for Orphaned Children
In honour of the last Christine Le Nahedic, founder of ALALA and beloved friend.
“Unconditional love is the most powerful, profound & transformational agent we have to heal & rebuild the self, so that we can finally evolve beyond generational trauma, suffering & perceptual limitations. When we love ourselves enough we reharmonize & align with our source of creation; We realise who we truly are & come home. There is no nobler action towards a better world than unconditionally loving all parts of oneself back into wholeness.”
— Tara Love Perry